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No-one's Precious


The cat is a very common pet in Western culture, but its position as a human companion remains undervalued. An estimated 20,000 cats are abandoned every year in Finland alone.


No-one's Precious has been photographed at Kissakoti Kattila in Hämeenlinna in spring 2017. Kattila is a shelter for homeless cats with an average of one hundred cats looking for a home. Some of them have been waiting for their forever home for several years. Kissakoti Kattila is maintained by Hämeenlinnan Kissojen Ystävät ry association, which is a non-profit organisation operated mainly by volunteers and with the help of donations.

Project seeks to observe the power and responsibility of man from the viewpoint of animals that are subordinate and dependent on him. Through photographs, humans can also look at their own humanity - do I acknowledge the rights, feelings and experiences of animals, even if they do not have the words to describe them or to demand attention?

Mikkeli Centre of Photography, 2018

Laterna Magica, Helsinki, 2018

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